Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cute pet without the clean-up

Webkinz may very well be the ideal pet to have. They are soft, cute, quiet and don’t leave messes behind to clean up later.

What exactly is a Webkinz? Webkinz are stuffed animals that can be used to make a virtual pet online. One pet will give you an account that will last one full year. If you do not adopt another pet within a year they will close your account until you do so.

In order to go into the Webkinz community, owners must log on to the Web site using a special code. The code comes on the tag wrapped around your Webkinz’ leg.

To log on you go to webkinz.com and click on new member. If you are already a member, click on log on and go to adoption center. Owners will now create a username and password. Once he or she has logged on the owner will receive 2,000 kinzcash and a medium-sized room. If you are already a member and are logging on a new pet you will receive 2,000 kinzcash as well as another room added on to your house.

Through the Web site, new “owners” can build a house and make new friends. To keep your pet in good shape you must feed him and play with him. There is a W Shop where you can buy food, clothes, toys and furniture for your house. There is also an employment office, curio shop and a school for your pet to attend. The Curio Shop is a place for you to hunt for gems and buy rare items with kinzcash. Kinzcash is money earned from playing games.

Each Webkinz has its own personality. You can find what your pet likes to eat and enjoys doing under the adoption certificate. On the Web site there is a section named, Quizzy’s Corner where they ask trivia questions and you earn kinzcash.

Kiersten Franklin, 11, of Hedgesville, owns two Webkinz. One of them is a koala by the name of Kyle and the other is a pug named Muffin. She “adopted” Muffin six months ago and Kyle four months ago.

Franklin said her favorite thing to do with her Webkinz are “dressing her pets, decorating her room and shopping at the W shop.” She said she expects to get Webkinz for Christmas, but if not, she hopes to get one before her account expires.

Ganz Co., which creates them, has a variety to choose from including bears, unicorns and dogs. During different seasons of the year they sell one-of-a-kind pets and accessories. For the winter season, Ganz is offering a reindeer and a Santa Claus costume. Ganz has also created a pet of the month, in which you receive exclusive items for adopting that particular pet. The Chihuahua is the December pet.

Owners can make friends and also visit their houses. The Web site created a safe chat mode that enables visitors to choose what he or she wants to say without typing it. This means you can only use the words the Web site has provided for you. This is a positive for parents because you cannot give out personal information or use bad language.

The Ganz Company also sells additional things for your pet; such as, trading cards, clothes and charms.

Webkinz World Under Fire for Child-Targeting Ads

Webkinz parent Ganz is facing criticism over the introduction of ads into the kid-centric virtual world, reports The New York Times.

The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood is taking Ganz to task for placing ads for movies like Bee Movie and Alvin & the Chipmunks in the right-hand margin of the Webkinz virtual world.

The group's concerns were echoed by parents who posted blogs complaining about the move. Parents say that part of the brand's allure was that it was ad-free.Ganz introduced ads on the site in October.

Access to the virtual Webkinz world is free, aside from the cost of buying the real-world stuffed animals, which are used by children to access the virtual world and encourage interaction. Dolls are available at mass-market retailers, no longer the smaller stores where the Webkinz phenomenon originated.